With our loft placed in Castro Marim, 6 km from the Algarve Golden Race Loft, it is usual to receive many visitors to our lofts.
During the days 27-28-29 of September, we can receive loft visits, on the following days:
27/09 (6ª feira) all day
28/09 (Sábado) morning
29/09 (Domingo) morning
Marque a sua visita, será bem-vindo!
Please, contact us to book your loft visit. You will be very welcome!
Contactos / Contacts:
Rui Lobato
Tm 938 315 031
e-mail: ruilobatosilva@gmail.com
Telmo Nogueira
Tm 927 567 086
e-mail: telmonogueira1@gmail.com